Dashcam Viewer 2020 is the famous application. This app is an all-in-one dashcam video analysis tool that provides many features as well as a simple graphical user interface. This is an application designed to give you a simple means to view video recordings from the dashboard camera, as well as extract large amounts of data from them. When you run it, this window pops up with a number of windows that serve different purposes but they're completely intimidating, especially for novice users. This app displays a clean and well designed graphical user interface, just makes it more comfortable to work with.

Moreover, depending on what you need to see, the app allows you to transfer sections for video playback, charts, general data and google maps. In most cases, dashcam is used to record traffic footage, which can then be used for insurance purposes and to avoid various types of fraud. If that's the case, Dashcam Viewer Serial Key is a great option because it provides a neat player with a bunch of practical features. It is capable of forwarding gps data recorded by the device and when you are watching a video, you get an accurate entertainment of your travel route. Along with that, Dashcam Viewer displays general data such as speed, direction, time, date, total travel distance and more.

Those facts alone make the app a great candidate for operators of delivery companies and want tachometer features with the added advantage of video recording. If you are a fan of the numbers, Dashcam Viewer Key is a disappointment. Take the car out to shoot with the running dashcam, extract the data and let the app create charts for speed, distance, direction, force and altitude. This app is capable of providing a lot of information but only if your dashcam completes the task. Not all devices come with tracking or shock sensors and if so, you will gain the full potential, but you can still use it because this app is compatible with most Dashcam cameras are popular today. While there's a lot to say, it's safe to say that if you're looking for a powerful and feature-packed packaging tool, you can definitely give it a try. Dashcam Viewer.
Dashcam Viewer 3.4 feature
- The main window controls movie selection, playback and data export. The individual buttons and sliders are described below:
- Control panel display showing current location, speed, direction and time. For dashcam that supports advanced GPS data collection, Dashcam Viewer Patch displays the height, the number of satellites in the view, and signal reliability:
- Animation Map window to display the current position of the vehicle against the map background.
- For dashcam recording additional GPS data, vehicle height, number of GPS satellites in view and accurate horizontal dilution are also displayed.
- Double-clicking on the geotag in the Geotag List will immediately jump to that point in the route. Geotags can be exported to a text file and re-imported.
- Dashcam Viewer Crack allows you to export your GPS tracking data in several formats, including comma separated values (CSV), GPX and Google Earth KML (shown on the left).
- You can also export your movie parts into separate files or export snapshots of movies to a PNG image file.
- Users can double-click Movies in List to jump right to the beginning of the video. Meta information about each movie, such as file size, maximum vehicle speed, date / time, is displayed in the list item.At-Return, F11 and Cmd-F (Mac) or Ctrl-F ( Win) will switch to full screen mode
- The space pause / resume bar feature now works even when the main window is not in the foreground.
Download Dashcam Viewer 3.4 Active Full
Password extract: vietblogdao.com
Installation instructions Dashcam Viewer 3.4
- Extract and install the software
- Open Key.txt and get the key code entered into the software
- Finish