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Vaton Premium Blogger Template 2020


I shared this Vaton theme for free and for the premium version I have combined it with the Invert Pro theme, so for those who previously ordered the Invert Pro theme, please download the file again to get this Vaton theme.


Vaton Premium Features:

Features Availability
Responsive True 
Google Testing Tool Validator (Homepage) True 
Google Testing Tool Validator (Postpage) True 
PageSpeed ​​Insights True 
Mobile Friendly True 
SEO Friendly True
Dynamic Heading True
High CTR True
Personal Blog True
Disqus Comment True
Breadcrumbs True
Related Posts Widget True
Featured Posts Widget True
Social Share Button True
Responsive Menu True
Social Media Footer True
Search Box True
Back to Top True
Newsletter Widget True
Shortcodes True
Well Documentation True

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