How to prevent users from sharing WordPress passwords – Have you ever had problems with your WordPress users sharing passwords with others? It will be difficult to prevent this problem, but there are a few things you can do to prevent it.
Here, will show you a simple way to prevent WordPress users from sharing passwords on the WordPress website.
Why do you need to prevent users from sharing your WordPress password?
While WordPress has many good security measures, as well as great security plugins, there are a few reasons why you want to prevent sharing WordPress passwords.
By default, WordPress users log in to user accounts from multiple locations at the same time. The problem is that this will actually compromise the security of multi-author WordPress websites.
If you operate a member website, this issue will eventually affect your profitability. So you really want to do everything to enhance the security of your WordPress installation.
Think about this, if someone is sharing their password as a member it means that other people are using the same login information to receive that paid membership benefit.
Aside from the potential hack, there are two main reasons you'll want to do everything to prevent WordPress password sharing.
How does WordPress handle user violations?
Before showing you an easy way to prevent WordPress user password sharing, let's talk a little bit about how WordPress handles user mistakes.
Like most web applications, WordPress uses cookies to determine when a user logs in. These cookies do not contain your WordPress user password, but they do contain special keys and usernames as evidence that you really know the password.
This is the problem. If you've accessed your website from a public location and then clicked on the memo button, then anyone from the computer you use can log into your WordPress user account.
This is also quite bad with your membership website business. Users only need to share their password with friends or family and then use the same login information to access all that paid content.
So the idea is that we want to go where you can prevent users from logging in to your website from two different places.
How to make this simplest? Use a plugin called Prevents Concurrent Logins.
Prevent sharing WordPress password
First of all, you need to install and activate the Prevents Concurrent Logins plugin. The best thing about this particular plugin is that it works right away, with no complicated settings for you to configure.
That's it, you are ready.
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How to check the Plugin
To test the plugin, you are logged into your WordPress website from two different browsers on the computer you are using. Go ahead and try Chrome, then Firefox.
Now that you try to log in to your website from a second browser, you still have the ability to log in successfully. However, the plugin automatically terminates the old session.
So when you try to click on any link in the first browser you log in, you'll automatically be taken to the login page, no links will work, and you're blocked.
This is what you will get to return to the first browser you logged in.
Again, using this plugin will help prevent lost revenue on member websites and help keep your website safe.
Before we finish this, we want to make sure that you also know it's important to have a strong WordPress user password. Never access your website on an open network.
Hopefully this article will help you understand the importance of preventing WordPress user password sharing. You can also accomplish this by using long strings of code, but it is more complicated.
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